10.14 - Brand New Me
Well here we have it, i've been pouring over code for the past week and I finally have a working template. I did use the java and background colour from an old template, however this gave me so much trouble. I was expecting it to take me a few hours to learn the java enough to change it, however it ended up taking a lot longer.
The blog is far from being done, somethings are still up in the air and changes still have to be made (like a blogger button). But I uploaded it so I could mess around with it in this environment and change it to comments being made.
Hope everyone likes the new layout, leave some comments, I will be posting while I do changes but like the old blog layout it may not be fully functional for a week or so.
The blog is far from being done, somethings are still up in the air and changes still have to be made (like a blogger button). But I uploaded it so I could mess around with it in this environment and change it to comments being made.
Hope everyone likes the new layout, leave some comments, I will be posting while I do changes but like the old blog layout it may not be fully functional for a week or so.
lose the nautical star and the WHMIS symbol and it might look a bit better. also I alm=ost couldn't find out where to click to leave a comment. top
I agree. top
yeah those pictures i was testing out i might move the lighter star to the bottom, i want a bunch of pictures those are not the best ones i know
as for the comments thing, once you do it once you will know forever lol top