10.10 - Something Has To Be Done

Well I've been bored, spending time going to everyones blog. And after coming back to my own, and seeing mat's new layout... I've come to the conclusion this blog needs some change.
However, without making it look like anyones it will require a lot of work. And I will attempt to make things even easier then this blog. This new blog will be built with some java, I found a template which has moving menus, I will attempt to turn this into something I can use.
If anyone has any ideas for the next blog or things they didn't like about this blog I want to hear them. (and before everyone says it the colour will be changed to a green which I can see much better)
The new site will be launched next week sometime, giving me some pressure to get it out there will actually get it done.
Above is an outline of what I want... the top menu and comment menu will move or something.
Just edit this template since it is exactly what you have depicted: http://foliage-for-blogger.blogspot.com/
To do what you want you would have to use AJAX which is much different from basic javascript. Its easier to just take a template like this and play with the css to get what you want. top
ok cool, i looked at it and i have a program to write all types of webpages
just threw it in there and i will have it done by weeks end, its really easy when the basic shit is there top